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JavaScript for the gen next web apps

JavaScript for the gen next web apps

This article will help you to understand how full stack frameworks binds different libraries and make use of that for web development. This is formed into a single cohesive software stack for web developers to use.

There are various features like cloud storage and understanding of data redundancy have become an integral part of technical aspect of many companies. Different e-commerce companies have also started to deploy and implement the full-stack JavaScript applications in the present time. Companies have started to adapt the idea of full stack JavaScript web applications that includes tooling and advanced web interfaces. JavaScript is the very effective language of the web development for the newest generation of technology. Full-stack development with JavaScript implies writing backend and front end with JavaScript.

With the emergence of Node.js it not only put JavaScript on the server but also implemented the idea of non-blocking programming and changing the way we write I/O. Node.js is a platform to build fast and scalable network applications. MEAN, on the other hand, is a Full-Stack JavaScript that uses MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. MongoDB is a NoSQL document-based and schema-less database. This enables to store the documents in a JSON-like format, write JSON queries on ExpressJS, NodeJS based server, and pass JSON documents to AngularJS frontend.

The process of debugging and database administration gets easier with the objects stored in the database that are identical to the objects of the client JavaScript. Developers can substitute AngularJS for Backbone.js, Ember.js or other JavaScript framework of their choice without losing the uniform language stack advantages that MEAN offers.

At present, we have different JavaScript modules and many types of build tools have made structuring JavaScript applications easier. To enhance the development process, we can use tools that are built on top of Node.js such as Bower/Component for front-end package management, Grunt.js/Gulp.js for automated build tasks, Jasmine/Mocha.js for unit testing, and RequireJS/Browserify/web pack for module loading.

Full Stack JavaScript framework makes efficient use of files systems and network resources along with the proper understanding of data redundancy. Full stack developers can also work side by side with DevOps as it knows to create a normalized relational model. All these advantages definitely help companies to create next generation web apps.

Important features:

Some of the important features of full-stack JavaScript MVC framework are shared server and client rendering, real-time conflict resolution, and automatic data synchronization. Full-stack JavaScript enables to write such kind of applications that can load fast like the search engine. It is also interactive as a document editor and can work offline.

Full-stack JavaScript is used to render pages in both places with the same routes, automatically syncs data everywhere on a real time basis. With the help of data synchronization engines such as Racer, it can sync data among browsers, servers, and the database. In a nutshell, the full-stack JavaScript framework for the next generation web apps provides lower costs of infrastructure and easier installation that give web app companies the access to a larger base of web developers.



